The Dashboard (Facility)

The Dashboard

The dashboard is the page that you will be redirected to immediately after signing in.

It acts as the homepage for your account, and gives you access to all of the images tied to your account, which are displayed at the bottom as previews.

If you have multiple studies in your account, a new page will be created that can be accessed by clicking the purple “Next” button at the bottom of the screen, or by clicking on the number of the page you would like to access.

The Study Preview

For each of the studies added to your account, there will be a study preview generated and added to your dashboard.

These previews will look like photographs, and have the following information and functions available.

Patient Name: This will be located in the top right-hand corner above the study.

i: This button will allow you to quickly look at the information associated with the study.

Send to patient: This button allows you to send studies uploaded to our website from your PACs to the patient through email or mobile phone.

Menu: The menu button located in the top right-hand corner underneath the patient’s name will allow you to open the DICOM viewer, access our Share feature, delete the study, get more detailed information about the study, enable QR Share for the study, open the share history for the study, download the study, or download the attachments of the study.

Case: This feature allows you to assign the study to a case folder for better categorization.

Tag: This feature allows you to add a tag to the study, which can be used with the Search bar to quickly pull up related studies.

Sorting Tools

Listed below are a suite of sorting tools that you can use to quickly search for specific studies.

All Cases: You can use this option to pull up all of the studies related to a specific case folder that you have created.


Filter By: You can use this option to filter between all of the studies in your account, or limit the display to only studies marked as new.

Sort By: You can use this option to display studies in order from exam date, the patient’s first or last name, the date they were added to the account, or their tags.

15/30/60 minutes: You can use this option to filter your display to show only studies that have been received in the last 15, 30, or 60 minutes.


Quick Send: This tool will allow for you to quickly send recently added images to your patients.

Search: In addition to the previous sorting tools, mymedicalimages also provides a search bar so you can quickly search using terms such as X-ray, MRI, Ultrasound, etc., the patient name or patient ID, or the date the study was taken.


Shared w/ Me: This button will display any studies that were recently shared to your account using our share feature.

New: This button will restrict the studies displayed to only those marked as “new”. A new study is any study that has been added to your account, but not been viewed in the viewer.

The Main Menu
Located in the top left-hand corner of the dashboard is the Main Menu. This menu will allow you to navigate to the rest of the site, with the various pages described briefly below.

Home: This will take you back to the homepage for the website.

Images: This will take you back to the dashboard where your images are located.

Share History: This page is where you can review shares you’ve sent and received using our Share feature.

Requested Images: This page allows you to request studies from individuals to be uploaded into your account, as well as review pending requests.

Consults: This submenu allows you to search for other Physicians and request Consults from them and review consults that you have received, as well as change the information associated with your account in regards to Consults

Exam Rooms: This submenu allows you to access the pages related to creating, joining, and managing telestudy exam rooms.

Account and Settings: This submenu gives you access to your profile information, your downloads page, your DICOM receive settings, your Patient Uploader information and your Facility dashboard.

Support: This page will contain an FAQ for everything about our site, as well as the number for our support line.

Sign Out: When you are finished using, you can sign out with this option.